Friday, May 7, 2010

Career Path?

A little while ago a study was released which said that tradies are happier then graduates. As i happen to be both i feel especially qualified to comment on this fun fact. I spent 4 years all up at uni doing an art's degree and it was NOT an exciting new experience or the time of my life like it is for all those kids in movies it was however, a sad, stressful and frustrating time that i really hated. Keep in mind this was my individual experience and I'm sure others had a better time than i did, although some of my friends probably didn't get the ideal experience either. And all this is aside from the actual reason a person studies at uni, the education bit.

Quiet probably my lack of belief in a uni education's real value is a reflection of my doing an art's course, sure at this point i appreciate all the sub-culture crap i learnt it was and still is interesting to me but to be honest when it got to graduation time i was left going well what kind of career do i get after having written essay's on the simpsons and knowing full well that some of my best assignments were written either
A) completely drunk
B) with about 70 redbulls at 5am
C) started the day after the due date

or all of the above.

And my answer was forget it all get a trade.

The biggest benefit of a trade os being able to work while you study not only the getting cash part but it also makes a trade the opposite of uni, it becomes more about the practical side then the theory. As well as getting a sense of achievement in actually doing and understanding the work you do as opposed to writing an essay on a theory of your work which will probably never crop up again in the rest of ur working life.

At trade school this week we did some listening ( cause the teacher we had was a dick and liked to talk a lot) about the value of our trade. It's 4 years of learning minimum and most people say it isn't till you've been in the trade for 8 or 9 years that u start to wrap ur head around it. I would say without a doubt that my trade is of much higher value to me then my uni degree could ever be.

Hopefully in the future people will stop thinking of trades as second class to office jobs etc. becuase the knowledge and skill is much more than you would expect and besides tradies are happy people.

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