Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Easter Holidays in Granya

So for the past two years I have gone to Granya for easter with my mum and step dad as well as my aunt and uncle and other family usually comes out for a day trip as well. I have to say if ur looking for an exciting holiday that is non stop activity you wont find it here, no seriously unless ur re-stumping a house (as my uncle and step dad were) you will be sitting around reading a book going for walks maybe play some tennis but mostly a lot of nothing goes on. So why then have i started this tradition of visiting a place with no sewage system and no mobile phone coverage?

Well in the last few years my life has finally calmed the fuck down and i don't doubt that it's because my mum's life has finally setteled and we have become reaquinted with my aunts and uncles, it isn't till now that i have realised what strong, determined women I have in my family and in a way I go to Granya just to let all off that wash over me and hopefully make me a better stronger person.

Oh it's not like we sit around and talk about profound things but i do enjoy the everyday musing's of my family. like the way everyone goes back to traditional roles where the men work all day then come home and the women fuse over having cold beers ready and dinner on the table. So not what my real life is like at all it's all equality and sometimes a little bit of mis-understanding in my house.

One night after the guys had knocked off working on the house and everyone had setteled in with a beer "alfresco" style( it was the word of the week because all of a sudden my step dad and uncle were all posh eating alfresco all the time)when this car pulled up out the front on the wrong side of the road for starters, then when the guy who started comming over no one recognised as a local (there's only like 20 so it isn't hard to recognise them) everyone was curuois. Then he opened his mouth and out came this yank accent that sent me in a bit of a chuckle cause we must have looked right out of a tourist guide with the australian flag out the front and everyone sitting round with beers looking basically like we didn't shower. Anyway, he had come from "mt. Koozie.." Mt . Kosciuszko is what he was trying to say and threw his crappy australian english we figured he was heading for wodonga and wanted to know direction's being the great helpful people we are no worries mate you go down that road over the bridge..etc then there was the good part he had no fuel and that went like this..

"gas? station ?"
" naah mate you want petrol over here, but there isn't any round here not till you get into to town"

at which point he started looking concerned, guess the kids and wife in the car were a bit over looking at our great sunburnt country.
So my uncle from the most loving part of his heart gave the guy a gallon of petrol and that went like this

"no don't worry about any money you just pour it in yourself"

At which point we were all laughing cause my uncle before he'd cracked a tinny probably would have said no we don't have any fuel, bugger off.

And off our friend the yank went, with a funny picture of his head of those Aussies in the country.

So that was my Easter break, full of what holidays are meant to be filled with family, compassion and beer.